What is Neuromuscular Therapy?
Neuromuscular Therapy is a specialized massage technique used to assess, treat and prevent soft tissue injuries and chronic pain. A therapist trained in NMT has extensive knowledge of anatomy, kinesiology, and biomechanics, along with the precise palpation skills of muscle and trigger points. Neuromuscular therapy aims to decrease pain, and restore optimal balance between the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system by addressing the following six physiological factors.
Decreased oxygen and reduced circulation in the tissue leads to muscle shortening, entrapped neural structures, pain, and the formation of trigger points.
Trigger Points
Shortened, irritable points in the muscle which refer pain, tingling, and/or numbness to other parts of the body.
Nerve Compression/Entrapment
Pressure on a nerve by soft tissue, cartilage or bone which may result in muscle contraction and pain.
Nutritional deficiencies, allergies, and imbalances play a role in the general health and integrity of muscle tissue and the overall homeostasis of the body.
Postural/Biomechanical Dysfunction
Continuous postural and muscular stress will result in faulty movement patterns of the muscular and skeletal systems. Emotional Stress
Prolonged intense stress can create neurological and muscular imbalances, disease.